Tuesday, 4 September 2012

8.2m See Tommy's Car Crash!

Corrie claimed its 113th Victory for most watched soap this year, here are the soap leader boards.

Most Watched Soaps - The Wins

Coronation Street - 113
Emmerdale - 19
EastEnders - 21
Hollyoaks - 3

Corrie's first instalment at 7.30pm had 7.96m viewers, and 231k on ITV1 +1 at 8.30pm, as Kirsty fought Tina in another row about Tommy's debts.

The second episode at 8.30pm had an amazing 8.21m and 250k on ITV1 + 1, at 9.30pm.

ITV2's repeats at 6.30am and 6.55am had 1.19m & 768k, (112k, and 110k on ITV2+1 later)

Corrie claimed 21 Trends last night, 13 for 7.30 episode and 8 for the 2nd episode - and #Corrie & Tommy trended in Manchester until 2.30am Tuesday Morning.

Here are the trends - and the ammount of tweets posted through 7.30-8.00pm. (The ammount of tweets sent  on each trending topic which means the total amount of people who tweeted through the show)

7.30pm - 8.00pm Trends 

Trend Name ------> Ammount of Tweets 
Natalie Gumede (110)
#CoronationStreet (657)
#Corrie (404)
Tyrone (337)
Kirsty (193)
Poor Tina (104)
Michelle Keegan (837)
Tina (651)
Tommy (216)
Karl (443)
Sunita (202)
Stella (92)
Eileen (114)

Total Tweets Sent for first ep: 4360

8.30pm - 9.00pm

Natalie Gumede (328)
Kirsty (190)
Tina (443)
Tommy (91)
Watching Corrie (334)
#Corrie (559)
Coronation Street (401)
Michelle Keegan (775)

Total Tweets Sent for second ep:  3121

Total: 7481

Corrie was crowned the Winner of Twitter Love,

EastEnders had 8 Trends, Total Tweets: 

Ian Beale (827)
#eastenders (556)
Watching Enders (168)
Ian (552)
Kat (326)
Kat Affair (228)
Alfie Moon (193)
#bbceastenders (85) 

Total: 2935

Emmerdale had no trends, but 150 Tweeted #emmerdale 7pm-7.30pm.

Hollyoaks had 1 Trend '#Hollyoaks' which had 445 tweets sent between 6.30pm and 7pm on E4.

Tweet Figures by TweetCaster
Ratings by ITV Officials.

Follow us @corrie_tv

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