Tuesday 17 December 2013

20-12-13 7.30PM : Kylie goes back to black!

Under pressure, Kylie reluctantly agrees to let David attend Max's nativity play. However, she is upset that David is slowly worming his way back into his family and ends up going on a bender. 

When Kylie kicks off at Tina, she is kicked out of The Rovers and makes her way to the nativity. When asked to leave because of her drunken behaviour, how will Kylie react?

Meanwhile, Roy is nervous about his driving test and Mary makes matters worse by regaling him with stories of her failed attempts. Hayley worries that Roy has heaped too much pressure on himself and it's her fault. As Roy braces himself, has he done enough to pass?

Elsewhere, Carla persuades Tina to attend Simon's nativity in her place. Peter tells Tina that he knows about her kiss with Rob.

Also today, there's clearly a spark as Dennis and Gloria help the band set up.

Finally, Owen is intrigued to receive an invitation to a drinks party from Phelan.

The next episode of Coronation Street airs on Sunday, December 22.

Monday 16 December 2013

18-12-13: 7.30pm - Tina has a dangerous, deadly kiss with Rob


Airs Wednesday, Dec 18 2013 at 19:30 GMT on ITV

Peter approaches Tina about doing some childminding, but she gives him short shrift. After flirting with Rob over the bar at The Rovers, they end up kissing in the back yard. 

When Carla heads out to have a word with Tina, she's taken aback to find them kissing passionately. Rob begs Carla not to tell Tracy, but how will Peter take the news?

Meanwhile, Gail works on Max's nativity costume as an exhausted but excited Kylie wraps a special present for her son, telling Gail that she can't wait to see his face when he opens it. But when David later persuades Gail to let him look after Max and Lily, he lets Max open his special present. How will Kylie react?

Elsewhere, Brian loads up his van and hands Julie the keys to Number 12. Her heart breaks as she watches him drive away. 

Also today, Hayley is touched when a Christmas present from Becky arrives.

Finally, Rita supports Dennis in his music dreams.

Saturday 30 November 2013

We're back!

We are re-opening the Corrie Blog site. Please tweet us @corriespoil and tell us what sort of stuff you'd like to see on our site!

Sunday 13 October 2013

Kylie & Tina CLASH over david... BITCHFIGHT!

As David tries to convince Kylie that there's nothing going on between him and Tina, she seems to calm down. However, away from David, she tells Eva that she's changing tack to expose his infidelity. Instead of being confrontational, she is going to search for the evidence she needs. 

Will Kylie stumble across more than she bargained for? And how will Tina react when a fiery Kylie comes storming into The Rovers all guns blazing? Will Tina spill David's secrets?

At the same time, Nick is finally discharged from hospital but it's far from a happy occasion as a grumpy Nick struggles to come to terms with his debilitation and uncertain future.

Meanwhile, it's Steve and Michelle's first day as the new owners of the pub and Michelle is under no illusions - it's no goldmine and running it will be hard graft. Steve is optimistic but is anxious that he still hasn't broken the news to Michelle about Liz's involvement in the business. Will he find the words before Liz makes her Rovers return?

Elsewhere, having decided to take Hayley on a surprise trip to Blackpool, Roy realises that he's got some work to do beforehand. Realising his ballroom dancing skills aren't quite up to scratch, who will Roy employ to help him?

Also, Rita is in the mood for a holiday

Roy & Hayley take to the ballroom... EXCLUSIVE PICS!

Over on Coronation Street, there are heart-warming scenes ahead for Roy and Hayley Cropper as they head to Blackpool together.

Roy (David Neilson) wants to fulfil one of Hayley's dying wishes by visiting the Tower Ballroom for a spot of dancing, but when they arrive at the iconic venue, they're disappointed to find that it's closed for maintenance.

Although Hayley (Julie Hesmondhalgh) quickly insists that it's no big deal, Roy is devastated that his plans for a perfect trip are going awry.

With time to fill, the couple visit a clairvoyant and although Roy is deeply sceptical over her supposed talents, he and Hayley are both surprised when she advises them to go straight back to the Ballroom


Returning to the empty venue, Roy and Hayley are shocked as the owner suddenly appears and bends the rules by inviting them inside. As they have the place to themselves, the moment is extra special as another wish is ticked off Hayley's to-do list.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Corrie boss Stuart Blackburn teases next week's dramatic episodes!

Coronation Street producer Stuart Blackburn heaped praise upon upcoming episodes of the show.

Viewers will see the platt family's secret exposed at Lily's christening next week, as well as Hayley and Roy spending a special day together in Blackpool. 

The penny drops for Kylie.


The penny drops for Kylie.

Roy and Hayley spend the evening together in Blackpool.


Roy and Hayley spend the evening together.

Speaking at a Coronation Street press conference today, Blackburn said: "Next week is full of heartache, vengeance, betrayal, cat fights, the return of Liz McDonald and a christening like no other. 

"There are two stories driving the episodes that on first glance look totally different. You have the huge scale of the Platt story set against what is an astonishingly beautiful love story of Roy and Hayley

"I defy anyone to watch it and not come out sobbing. Both stories have two very important things in common - they are both love stories."

Blackburn added: "I am inspired and humbled in equal measure when I watch what is coming up.

"It is not just this week of episodes. I have seen November and December and what is coming up on Christmas day and it keeps on moving."

Coronation Street airs the Platt family bombshells and Roy and Hayley's trip in an hour long special on Wednesday, October 16 at 8pm on ITV.

Digital Spy Soap Scoop video - press play below to watch Amie Parker-Williams reveal gossip on the Coronation Street Platt revelations

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Corrie fans desperatley want Craig Gazey, Rachel Leskovac and Katherine Kelly returns

Coronation Street fans have took to popular showbiz news site, Digital Spy over the past weeks, and have protested against new producer, Stewart Blackburn saying "he will send Coronation Street down the pan, like he did to Emmerdale!" Fans have expressed their concerns about an upcoming storyline where Tina will have a shock fling with Peter Barlow. Some fans have even threatened to stop watching the show altogether.

But some critics have suggested return for Craig Gazey who played crazy Graeme a good friend of David Platt's! Suggestions such as bringing him back, and having another fling with Tina have been suggested, even some saying bring back Corrie bitch Natasha, Rachel Laskovac. Stewart has flicked away the suggestions and gone ahead with the shock fling. 

Corrie fans have also suggested a return for Katherine Kelly, who plays Becky McDonald. Just  a quick return, for Hayley's funeral. But Katherine has insisted she wont be returning for the funeral, but many fans have made theory she maybe making a secret return... Who knows what the future holds for Coronation Street, We'll have to see.

Hayley's last stand, Craig's Disappearance - Its all kicking off on the street!

Weatherfield's very own Houdini Craig Tinker vanished in tonight's episode looking horrified as the Guilty and perplexed Killer Karl watched on. It all occurred following a brief altercation with Dev outside the shop after clumsy Craig accidentally nudged off him. Killer Karl watched on from outside the Rover's with a slightly disgruntled face.
It is not clear just how much Craig will be involved when it comes to the climax of this story, but were sure that he will be to be embroiled in this slow-burning historical storyline.

Meanwhile Dev's suspicion grows on relation to Karl. He's been very much in denial in previous weeks, even when Jason brought his theories to Dev's attention. It will be very interesting indeed to see how this story pans out. We at Corrie Spoilers are sure that whatever happens, it will be one of the most explosive story's in Corrie History!

Meanwhile one of Weatherfield's most notable couple's Hayley & Roy Cropper are set to be torn apart by her cancer. It has been confirmed (Spoiler Alert) that Hayley will die as a result of the disease. This brings an end to a relatively short marriage and indeed a very long partnership. The story is sure to be a tearjerker and we suspect it may be part of either a big Christmas storyline or shortly afterwards.

It is set to be an explosive, emotional and historical few months in Weatherfield, and we will be there for all of it! I'm Rory, this has been my first blog post and I hope to write many more very soon! Thank You, and keep watching the UK's longest and best Soap Opera! Check out my own animated Soap Opera RoverVille - This is a mini episode, give it a share! www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvaC9ONizpI - Its got a corrie theme to it!

Tuesday 3 September 2013

The end is nigh for Killer Karl

Will Karl achieve the dream he's risked everything for and get away to Spain with Stella? Or will the police come calling as the net closes in?

Meanwhile, Sally is gutted when she receives a dismissive text from Tim, who clearly doesn't feel any guilt about standing her up. Is it all over between them?

Elsewhere, when Audrey hints that running two properties at her age is getting too much, Owen expresses an interest in the flat. Will Audrey bite?

Also, Grace makes a good impression on Owen and Anna, but when Faye admits to Grace how much she hates Sally, will we see another side to Grace?

Dev discovers Karl started the fire: Sept 07 19:30

As a nervous Karl prepares for his big day, Jason wants to go to Stella with his accusations. However, Dev urges him to sit tight until he's spoken to Craig, as they need proof. Craig is finally ready to talk, but Dev is shocked when - with Beth and Kirk by his side - Craig reveals his belief that he started the fire and Karl has been forcing him to keep it secret. 

As Craig explains that he dropped a cigarette when he saw Karl coming out of the pub that night, the penny drops for Dev. Will he be able to get to the register office in time to stop Stella from marrying Karl?

Meanwhile, Sally is dolled up to the nines as she waits for Tim to escort her to Stella's wedding reception, but as time ticks away, it looks like Tim has stood her up.

Elsewhere, Marcus isn't happy when he overhears Audrey painting a bleak picture of life at the flat, but Maria is more worried about Audrey's unusually uptight behaviour. Is there something else on her mind?

Also today, Anna frets about making a good impression on Faye's new best friend Grace.

Jason announces Karl's guilt: Sept 03 20:30

As Karl is dragged away from Craig's 'school bullies', having clearly lost it with them, Stella is unnerved by his behaviour. Back at the pub, she demands answers. Karl lies, blaming pre-wedding nerves. As Stella heads to Leanne's flat for her hen night, will she be placated? 

Later at The Rovers, Jason's presence is needling Karl as he and Dev pour over photos of the Full Monty night, noticing that Karl disappeared in the middle. Confronting Karl, Jason outright accuses him of setting fire to the pub. With all eyes on Karl, how will he respond?

Meanwhile, as Hayley is welcomed home by some of her closest friends, she enjoys catching up on what she's missed. Hayley is clearly exhausted but urges Roy not to pussyfoot around her, as she wants to savour every moment and make the most of the time she has left.

Elsewhere, Sally has landed with a bump after her morning spent on cloud nine, as Tim makes it clears he's just looking for a bit of fun. But when Tyrone warns Tim not to mess Sally around as there's no half-way with her, will he have a change of heart?

Also, Audrey's presence in the flat wears thin on Marcus.

Jason gets closer to the truth about Karl: Sept 03 19:30

It's the eve of Stella and Karl's wedding. Karl is a bundle of nerves, fearing it's only a matter of time before Craig reveals his secret, especially as the lads Craig has wrongly accused of bullying him are now on his back. 

Jason and Dev are also onto Karl. While Dev tries to speak to Beth about Craig's note, Jason questions those who were at the Full Monty night over Karl's movements that evening. When Tommy doesn't remember seeing much of Karl, Jason seizes on this, sure they're onto something. 

Later, as Karl tells Stella he's booked a honeymoon in Spain, Jason makes it clear to Karl that if he has anything to do with it, there won't be a wedding. As Karl starts to unravel, will he run or stay and face the music?

Meanwhile, as a fragile Hayley returns home, she's determined to stay positive. Top of her list is to teach Roy to drive.

Elsewhere, Sally is late for work after a night of passion with Tim, and as she fields questions about her love life, it's clear she's revelling in the attention. But how will Tim react when Sally asks him to be her plus one at Stella's wedding?

Also, when Maria agrees that Audrey can stay with them until the work on her house is complete, Marcus is put out.

Karl manages to track down Craig: Sept 08 19:30

Karl is spooked to see that Craig is ringing him and slips out to take the call, finding out where Craig is. With Beth beside herself with worry, Karl sets out and finds Craig living rough.

Craig tells Karl that he's going to hand himself into the police. Can Karl convince a tormented Craig to return to the street and keep schtum, or does he face killing again to keep his secret uncovered?

Meanwhile, Hayley enjoys a visit from the factory girls, determined to stay upbeat and insisting that she will be around to see Carla's wedding. Trying to remain positive, she tells Roy that there are so many things she wants to do with life and she's thinking of constructing a bucket list. 

Elsewhere, both Kylie and Max are delighted when David suggests that he should adopt Max. However, as David brims with mixed emotions - so desperate to cement his family together - his guilt overwhelms him and he goes to visit Nick at the hospital.

Craig's dissapearance shocks the street

Karl is panic-stricken when the police come calling about Craig's disappearance. Wondering how much they know, Karl tries to remain cool and plays down his links to Craig, but inside he's feeling increasingly cornered. 

At the same time, Dev and Jason are trying to work out the meaning of Craig's note, speculating about the connection between him and Karl. As a desperate Karl tries to focus on his wedding, will they hit upon the answer?

Meanwhile, the factory girls visit Hayley in hospital and are just the tonic she needs. Roy, however, is struggling to come to terms with the sucker-punch to his life and can't bring himself to open up the café.

Elsewhere, David and Kylie are making a fuss of Max for his birthday, but when they start discussing Lily's christening, he goes into a mood again. Will a birthday tea cheer him up or does David have another idea?

Also, Audrey looks forward to getting her house back to normal.

Hayley's health news brings in a wopping 17 Million viewers

Coronation Street soared back above the 8 million mark on Monday evening (September 2) as the Croppers received devastating news, overnight figures show.

8.1m (40.0%) watched at 7.30pm on ITV and 234k (1.0%) on +1 as Hayley's operation day arrived, while the audience increased to 8.5m (37.8%) at 8.30pm and 265k (1.1%) on +1 as the pair learned the illness is incurable, bringing in a total of 17.1M (including ITV & ITV+1 Ratings)

Emmerdale had 7.17M at 7PM adding 327K on for +1 leaving their total at 7.55M

EastEnders mustered 6.92M at 8PM on BBC One and added 400K on for BBC Three's repeat, leaving their total at 7.48M.

Corrie stars David Neilson and Julie Hesmondalgh filming romantic blackpool scenes

Coronation Street stars David Neilson and Julie Hesmondhalgh have been spotted filming special scenes for the soap in Blackpool.

The pair's characters Roy and Hayley Cropper will feature in a touching storyline over the next few months as they vow to enjoy every moment of the time they have left together

Upcoming episodes will see Roy take his terminally-ill wife to the seaside town, where they make a plan to see all of the sights and dance in the Tower Ballroom.

As seen in our pictures which were taken on location today (September 3), the much-loved couple are in high spirits on the trip.

Hesmondhalgh announced ber decision to leave Coronation Street at the beginning of the year and show bosses later confirmed that Hayley would be diognosed with pancreatic cancer. 

Emotional scenes in last night's double bill (September 2) saw Hayley learn her illness is incurable, meaning that she only has a few months left to live.

Speaking of the storyline last month, Hesmondhalgh commented: "It's a very unknown cancer and gets so little funding, and so little awareness around it, but it affects so many people. I feel really, really honoured to be part of this now. I'm hoping to really change things for the better there.

"If more people know about it and we can get a bit of a campaign going, I want this to be Hayley's legacy - to get more funding for pancreatic cancer."

Coronation Street's Blackpool scenes are expected to air in October.

Monday 2 September 2013

Chelsee Healey: "I'd love to join Coronation Street!"

Chelsee Healey has revealed that she would love to join Coronation Street.

The former Waterloo Road star said that a role on the long-running ITV soap would be "amazing".


She told Manchester Evening News: "I'd love to do another long-running drama or soap, Coronation Street would be amazing. I'd love to play a cheeky, funny girl on Corrie."

The 25-year-old - who left Waterloo Road earlier this year after eight years playing Janeece Bryant - said that she would "never say never" to returning to the series.

However, she said that she thinks it was the "right time" for her to leave the school-based drama. 

"The show was moving up to Scotland, and it's a role I'd done for a long time - eight years is a long time for anyone to stay in the same job. I don't think they could do that much more with the character.

"If Waterloo Road asked me back, of course I'd have to consider that, but for now I'm looking into sinking my teeth into new roles and new challenges," she added.

Waterloo Road launches its new series on Thursday, September 5 at 8pm on BBC One.

Friday 30 August 2013

Paula Lane wants 'Katherine Kelly' return as on screen sister Becky McDonald

Paula Lane told The Sunday People that she would love on-screen sister Becky McDonald to return to Coronation Street sometime soon. She told the paper 'It would be very dramatic if Kath was to return at some point through Hayley's illness. It would make a really emotional storyline and really lighten the cobbles up!" she said, adding: "We haven't seen Becky for over 2 years and I also think Kylie is in for a bit of sisterly love - it would be absaloutley fantastic for her to return!" she then went on to talk about how she'd love for her to return at Hayley's death bed - it would make it really emotional and worth watching. Will Kat Kelly return to the cobbles? The question remains unkown! 


The Top 10 Funniest Moments On Corrie EVER!

Here are some of your wonderful suggestions you have sent in on Twitter of your ultimate favorite Corrie Moments. We will count down the top 10 and how many likes each scene got on our Facebook Site, Here goes! 

#10 - Gail Platt Singing Firework by Katy Perry! 
294 likes - 50 comments

#9 - Stella slaps Eva after she critises Leanne!
552 likes - 102 comments

#8 - Les and Cilla come through the roof in the Jacuzzi!
1,302 likes - 442 comments

#7 - Eileen and Gail fight in the street!
2,837 likes - 1,040 comments

#6 - Mary and Norris go camping!
4,553 likes - 2,827 comments

#5 - Hayley and Norris go dancing and fall!
4,783 likes - 803 comments

#4 - Gail meets Denise!
6,040 likes - 3,973 comments

#3 - Rat on the loose
6,073 likes - 1,383 comments

#2 - Sophie pours wine over Rosie!
6,762 likes - 15,992 comments

#1 - Gail Platt singing Black Heart 
29,802 likes - 3,703 comments

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Ryan Thomas: "Jason is scared for Stella!"

Coronation Star Ryan Thomas has revealed that his character Jason Grimshaw is scared for the safety of his former girlfriend Stella Price.

Viewers will see Karl lose his temper with Jason next week and reveal that it was him who torched his van. 

Ryan Thomas

© WENN / Daniel Deme

Ryan Thomas

Thomas said: "He is concerned about Stella. The love he had for her has been replaced by a need to protect her. 

"He's so suspicious of Karl and worried about Stella's safety. He's being a bit of a spy and trying to puzzle all the pieces together. 

"He thinks Stella doesn't really know Karl as much as she thinks she does. Karl's threatening behaviour has just increased his suspicions that he started the Rovers fire, so his concern for Stella is growing."

Jason's suspicions over Karl's involvement in the fire are further increased when he is told that Karl wasn't around much on the Full Monty night.

Karl confronts Jason


Karl confronts Jason

Thomas said: "It's another part of the puzzle coming together. He's banging his head against a brick wall with Dev because he's just trying to drill his suspicions into him and trying to push the evidence forward. 

"With Dev having so much going on after losing his wife and struggling to come to terms with it, Jason's having a bit of a nightmare and feels like he's fighting a losing battle. 

"As soon as he gets one little bit of evidence he clings on to it. The more evidence he gets the better his story is and it's more believable."

Digital Spy Soap Scoop video - press play below to watch Amie Parker-Williams reveal gossip on some tragic news in Coronation Street, a horrific car crash in EastEnders, a surprise arrest inEmmerdale and a shocking allegation in Hollyoaks.

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