Monday, 27 August 2012

Corrie Figures For Twitter - 27th August 2012 (Trends&Tweets)

7.30pm-8.00pm Corrie had 13 trends worldwide and in the UK.


#CoronationStreet (Total Tweets: 149) UK
#corrie (Total Tweets: 403) WW
Tina (Total Tweets: 219) WW
Tommy (Total Tweets: 88) MANCHESTER
Tyrone (Total Tweets: 449) WW, UK, LONDON
Kirsty (Total Tweets: 240) WW, UK
Watching Corrie (Total Tweets: 194) UK
Roy Cropper (Total Tweets: 726) 1ST, WW
Ryan (Total Tweets: 210) UK, MANCHESTER
Michelle (Total Tweets: 93) UK
Steve McDonald (Total Tweets: 120) WW
#Surrogacy (Total Tweets: 126) WW, UK
Michelle Keegan (Total Tweets: 302) 3RD, WW

This was in the space of 30 Minutes for each trend.
Total: 3318

Between 8.00 and 8.30pm, #corrie & Kirsty trending 8.05-8.15pm Worldwide, and Kirsty continued until 8.23pm in the UK

8.30pm-9.00pm had 8 Trends worldwide and in the UK.


#Corrie (Total Tweets: 584) WW, UK, MANCHESTER
#kirsty (Total Tweets: 903) WW
Kirsty (Total Tweets: 293) WW
Tyrone (Total Tweets: 428) WW, MANCHESTER
Watching Corrie (Total Tweets: 111) UK
#CoronationStreet (Total Tweets: 328) WW, UK, LONDON
ITV Corrie (Total Tweets: 60) UK
Kirsty and Tyrone (Total Tweets: 667) 1ST, WW. 

This was in the space of 30 Minutes for each trend.
Total: 3338.

Wooped EastEnders which had the following:


#eastenders (419)
Abi (202)
Abby (100)
Costa Rica (92)
Jay (458)
Shirley (325)
Linda Henry (910)

Total: 2533

Also won Emmerdale which had 4 Trends in London.


#emmerdale (187)
Dianne Dingle (119)
Charity (95)
Debbie Dingle (106)

Total: 507

Was close with Hollyoaks which had 3 Trends worldwide


#hollyoaks (1029)
Watching Oaks (928)
Hollyoaks (1192) 

Total: 3287

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